Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Creating Parameterised Report in eclipse

Creating Parameterised Report in eclipse

1.       So firstly we need to download the neon with BIRT in the following link http://download.eclipse.org/birt/downloads/ and Click on Download Now under All in One

2.       After successfully download of the IDE you will have a file name called eclipse-reporting-neon-R-win32-x86_64 unzip the file and Click on eclipse.exe

Then it will show as

3.       Go to New -> Others -> Business Intelligence and Reporting Tool and Select Report Project as below

4.       Click on next and Give a name for the Project and it prompts to change the perspective click on yes. Now we can see the IDE like this.

5.       Right Click on Project Test and New -> Report and screen should be like this

6.       Now after this we can see like

7.       So we can adjust the width and height of report by going to MasterPage tab which is down of the report

8.       Go back to Layout. And to the left corner top you can see a tab Data Explorer Beside Pallaete tab Click on it

9.       Right Click on Datasources to Setup the New DataSource

10.   Here choose the driver which you want here I am using Mongodb. So Choose MongoDB Data Source and click on next.
11.   Enter the host, database name, port number, username, password and click on Test connection.

12.   It should show test ping successful.
13.   Then we should create dataset for this go to Data Explorer and right click on Dataset

14.   Click on next and select the collection name and below you can see the available fields and we can move which ever fields you want.

15.   Click on Finish and Ok.
16.   Now we need to create a parameter for the report so in dataexplorer right click on report parameters and it will show up

17.   Select the fields which ever you want to display. And click on the ok.
18.   Now we have Data source, Dataset and Parameter.
19.   Now we will attach the filter to the Dataset. Go to Data Explorer and right Click on the dataset click, on edit click on filters.

20.   Click on new and it will show up like this and select the column to which we need to filter the data with parameter.

21.   Choose equal to and in the second dropdown click on the build expression

22.   AS shown in the above select the parameter and then click on ok.

23.   Click on ok. Now that we have all the data and we need to populate to the report so in order to do it we should drag a table from palette and drop into the report

24.   Select the dataset in the dropdown and select the required fields and click on ok. Then we can see this table.

25.   Now save the report and we need to check the report by running the report in the eclipse ide Go to Run -> View Report -> Web Viewer it will display this

26.   Select the field and the report will be displayed and we can export it into PDF, Excel and word. Hurrah...!

1.       This is a simple example and we can explore more and do the complex once also. Enjoy Reporting…

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